Health and Social Care Integration: Tell us about your work!

As described in a 2019 National Academies consensus report, five types of health care activities enable health systems to integrate social care into health care delivery to help them be more responsive to what matters to people: awareness, adjustment, assistance, alignment, and advocacy (the “5As”).

2020 has magnified the imperative for this work, and CHaSCI is surveying stakeholders and innovators from across the county to learn about what they are doing to integrate care, or what visions they have to improve the care ecosystem in their community. In addition to collecting example activity descriptions, we are also requesting links to any relevant external resources or literature.

Responses can be directly related to the pandemic, addressing racism and its impacts on care and communities, or broad efforts to integrate and strengthen health and social care.

Survey responses will be compiled into an activity inventory to be shared publicly once a critical mass of responses are received. Contact Bonnie Ewald with any questions in the meantime:

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