IHI Covid Stories: Reflection from a social work care manager

Laura Donnan, LCSW, MPH, is a clinical social worker with Rush’s Social Work and Community Health team and works as an integrated part of the cardiology clinic at Rush.

Laura wrote a reflection on her work during the pandemic, which was featured on the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s COVID Stories website. Here’s an excerpt:

The question, “What would you do?” seems to be coming up increasingly as our patients are being challenged in new ways due to the current crisis. In addition to my typical duties, I am also providing phone support to individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are recovering at home. I’m hearing from mothers who are afraid of infecting their children with the virus; from family members wondering whether to bring their suffering loved one to the Emergency Department; from people struggling with fatigue, chest pain, and shortness of breath questioning how long their symptoms will last and if they will get worse.

As social workers, we are not new to witnessing trauma, sitting with uncertainty, and dealing with crises. Like other health professionals, we are performing our duties with increased urgency, while also personally experiencing a collective trauma. Our strengths-based occupation also emphasizes hope and resiliency, and I am reminded of this in every encounter I have with my patients and colleagues. 

Read Laura’s post at https://covidstories.ihi.org/stories/i-am-proud-and-grateful-be-social-worker. #socialcare


Health and Social Care Integration: Building a Chicagoland Response


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