The National Coalition on Care Coordination
Convening thought-leaders to advance coordinated and integrated care
Formed in 2008 as a partnership between the New York Academy of Medicine’s Social Work Leadership institute and the American Society on Aging, The National Coalition on Care Coordination (N3C) convenes advocates and leaders within health and social care that are committed to advancing public policies and programs that support coordinated and integrated care.
N3C’s goal is to foster effective links and collaborative relationships between health care and community-based service providers in order to improve health and quality of life outcomes for populations with complex care needs as they live and age.
N3C is composed of individual members representing dozens of consumer, aging, social service, health care, family caregiver, and professional organizations from across the country. (See our list of members below.) N3C was initially convened by the American Society on Aging and the New York Academy of Medicine. Today, N3C is convened by CHaSCI.
N3C Issue Briefs & Event Proceedings
Community-based Care Transitions Program: A Survey of Participating Sites. Conducted by the National Coalition on Care Coordination. Summer 2019.
Changing Medicare Payment Policies: Opportunities for Community-Based Organizations. Aging in America 2019. Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging (N3C organized session)
Care Coordination Issue Brief: What, why, who, when, how? Issue brief produced in partnership with the Eldercare Workforce Alliance and the National Coalition on Care Coordination. Winter 2018-19.
Quality Measurement and the Community’s Role in Meeting Quality Goals: National Coalition on Care Coordination. National Coalition on Care Coordination. Aging in America 2016, Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging (N3C co-sponsored event, part of ASA Managed Care Academy)
Potential and Strategies For Care Coordination in a “Post-Acute Care” World: Aging in America 2015, Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging (N3C co-sponsored event).
Building the Business Case: Community Organizations Responding to the Changing Healthcare Environment for Aging Populations. The Scan Foundation, National Coalition on Care Coordination, Collaborative Consulting.
Development of N3C: History, Achievements, and Ongoing Effects Toward Creating Consensus on Care Coordination National Coalition on Care Coordination. Aging in America 2011, Annual Conference of the American Society on Aging.
The Promise of Care Coordination: Models that decrease Hospitalizations and Improve Outcomes for Medicare Beneficiaries with Chronic Illnesses. The National Coalition on Care Coordination.
Structuring, Financing, and Paying for Effective Chronic Care Coordination. The National Coalition on Care Coordination.
N3C Member-Produced Publications and Resources
California CBOs Preparing to Thrive in the Changing Healthcare Landscape. Collaborative Consulting. September 2019.
Patient-Centered Medical Homes and the Care of Older Adults. National Coalition on Care Coordination Steering committee members, The John Hartford Foundation.
Making it Safe to Grow Old: A Financial Simulation Model for Launching MediCaring Communities for Frail Elderly Medicare Beneficiaries. Avalere Health, Altarum Institute Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness, America’s Health Insurance Plans, Dobson DaVano & Associates, LLC.
Interprofessional Care Coordination: Looking to the Future. The New York Academy of Medicine, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation.
Strong Social Support Services, Such As Transportation And Help For Caregivers, Can Lead To Lower Health Care Use And Costs. Health Affairs.
The Transitional Care and Comprehensive Care Coordination Debate. Journal of the American Society on Aging. Winter 2012-13.
N3C Members
Ellie Albertson, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Elisabeth Blair, USAging
Bob Blancato, Matz, Blancato, & Associates
Jane Brock, Telligen Colorado
Bonnie Ewald, Center for Health and Social Care Integration at Rush
Lynn Friss Feinberg, AARP Public Policy Institute (Retired)
Robyn Golden, Center for Health and Social Care Integration at Rush
Amy Gotwals, USAging
Joanne Handy, Aging Services of California
Julianne Howell, County of San Diego Department of Health and Human Services
Mary Kaschak, Long-Term Quality Alliance
Lynn Kellogg, Advocate and consultant
Brian Lindberg, Consumer Coalition for Quality Healthcare
Katie Maslow, Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
Healther Menne, RTI International
Anne Montogomery, Altarum Institute
Victor Murray, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers
Abby Nash, Abby S. Nash, P.C.
Carol O'Shayghnessy, National Health Policy Forum at George Washington University
LeAndra Padgett, Health Leads
Ray Pedden, Center for Care Innovation
Lori Peterson, Collaborative Consulting
Brenda Schmitthenner, Gary and West Health Institute
Cheryl Schraeder, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing
Ellen Schultz, Ellen Schultz Consulting, LLC
Karla Silverman, Center for Health Care Strategy
June Simmons, Partners In Care Foundation
Julie Trocchio, Catholic Health Association of the United States
Jason Turi, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers' National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs
Patricia Volland, Social Work Leadership Institute (emeritus)
Connie Benton Wolfe, Aging and In-Home Services of NE Indiana
Amy York, Eldercare Workforce Alliance