CHaSCI attends the Putting Care at the Center conference
From November 1-3, CHaSCI team members Bonnie Ewald and Teresa Berumen attended this year’s Putting Care at the Center conference in Boston, Massachusetts. Putting Care at the Center is the annual conference of the Camden Coalition’s National Center for Complex Health & Social Needs, a valued CHaSCI partner.
The National Center for Complex Health & Social Needs (the National Center), which is housed at the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers (the Camden Coalition), was launched in 2016 when multiple organizations came together with the vision of building the field of complex care. The National Center aims to improve the health and well-being for individuals with complex medical, psychological, and social needs—a goal aligned with much of CHaSCI’s mission and work. Since its inception, the National Center has partnered with CHaSCI on multiple initiatives including a regional convening, toolkits, webinars, and other projects to advance our mutual goal of continuing to build and improve upon the field of complex care delivery.
Every year beginning in 2016, the National Center has hosted their annual Putting Care at the Center conference. Putting Care at the Center provides an opportunity for the national complex care community to learn, network, and create a shared agenda for the growing field of complex care.” Each year, this conference presents a chance for dot connection, collaboration, and idea sharing; it has created a valuable, growing national community for professionals and organizations in the field of complex care.
This year’s Putting Care at the Center conference theme, “Elevating behavioral health in whole-person care," brought attention to the complex care field’s unique position in approaching behavioral health care delivery. The conference called upon presenters and participants to look beyond traditionally siloed views on mental health and substance use to ask, more broadly: what do therapeutic environments look like, and how can we achieve systems that are designed to be healing?
CHaSCI’s Beehive
CHaSCI team members Bonnie Ewald and Teresa Berumen hosted a Beehive presentation in which they described our work on the Campaign for Social Work’s Value in Improving the Nation’s Health.
CHaSCI’s participation in the conference included a Beehive presentation, a semi-structured space for conference attendees to share emerging knowledge, experience, strategies, and challenges. Our interactive table during the Beehive session detailed CHaSCI’s work on the Campaign for Social Work’s Value in Improving the Nation’s Health. The Campaign is led by the CHaSCI-run Coalition for Social Work and Health (CSWH), which connects professional organizations, practice leaders, researchers, educators, policymakers, and allies to engage in activities that elevate and expand social work’s impact in transforming healthcare, improving health, and advancing health equity. Visit the CSWH website to view our shareable resources and to learn more about how you can take action on our Campaign!
One more exciting update from Putting Care at the Center : the Camden Coalition launched its Complex Care Certificate, a first-of-its-kind online training for teams of frontline providers looking to deliver high quality complex care. The certificate includes nine online, self-paced courses plus a systems change project teach the skills and knowledge needed in caring for people with complex health and social needs. Learn more about the certificate here.