Publication: RUSH's approach to addressing social needs in a health care setting

Across the United States, healthcare organizations have begun to accept the impact of social needs and social risk factors—also referred to as social determinants of health (SDoH)—on influencing patient health. Challenges to this process include the operationalization of screenings, intervention, staffing, evaluation, and financial sustainability.

In January 2023, several CHaSCI team members contributed to a publication that highlights the approach of RUSH University Medical Center (RUSH), which has worked for nearly a decade to create an infrastructure that identifies social needs, escalates patient cases to an interdisciplinary team intervening at different levels of intensity, and simultaneously engages local community and medical entities to develop an enduring partnership to support these efforts.

The article highlights the multi-pronged, multi-disciplinary approach utilized by RUSH to effectively address social needs, including:

  1. Social risk factor screening

  2. Team composition and interventions

  3. Community network building

The article also summarizes the outcomes of this approach: according to RUSH’s own evaluations as well as nation-wide evaluation of similar efforts, social care interventions contribute to increased engagement in preventive care, improved health outcomes, fewer hospitalizations, higher patient satisfaction, and higher provider satisfaction. Both quantitative data and individual anecdotes demonstrate the importance of integrating social care into health care.

To access the full publication, visit the Management in Healthcare journal or click here. Interested readers are encouraged to contact us at for advice and troubleshooting — a rising tide lifts all ships!


Integrating Social Workers Across Health Care Settings


CHW Perceptions of Social Work