Learn about CHaSCI
CHaSCI is a training and policy center working to expand access to social care. We invite you to explore our website menus above to learn about our work, including our blog with CHaSCI updates and digging into our growing resource library compiled by the Coalition for Social Work and Health.
Share your voice
Help us advocate to expand access to social care!
Take our two-question survey to elevate voices of leaders in complex care into our grassroots advocacy:
What kinds of infrastructure would help your community provide quality social care? (Think about structures to address people's health-related social needs and local social risk factors)
What messaging do you find effective to communicate about the value of social care and complex care? (Please share any specific words, phrases, etc. that you have found resonates with others.)
If you include your contact info at the end, we will cite you with your insights in any advocacy or social media work.
Speak up to legislators
Tell your elected officials how they can help strengthen the social care workforce and infrastructure.
We invite you to advocate to Congress for two proposed policy solutions to advance access to social work services in particular:
Learn more about other workforce trainings & supports from our broad team at RUSH:
Various aging-related educational resources via our HRSA-funded Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program: https://catch-on.org/hp-home/hp-education/
Various resources via our SAMHSA-funded E4 Center of Excellence for Behavioral
Health Disparities in Aging: https://e4center.org/Our Caring for Caregivers program and grant-funded training opportunities: https://aging.rush.edu/professional-older-adult-family-care/c4c/