Social Determinants of Health Assessment and Case Management
This is the course webpage for SSW 690, Social Determinants of Health: Assessment and Case Management. Our schedule is as follows:
Module 1: Social Determinants of Health (2 weeks: 01/25/22 – 02/08/22)
Module 2: United States Food Assistance Programs (3 weeks: 02/09/22 – 03/01/22)
Module 3: Social Work Care Management Model (3 weeks – 03/02/22 – 03/29/22)
Module 4: Application of Training to Practice (6 weeks – 03/30/22 – 05/04/22)
Please see recorded lectures and associated materials for each module linked below.
This training was funded by a grant from The Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, and is provided through a collaboration by the School of Social Welfare at University at Albany SUNY and the Center for Health and Social Care Integration at Rush University Medical Center (Chicago, IL).
Module 1:
Social Determinants of Health
01/25/22 – 02/08/22
Week 1
Lecture recordings:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Slides for reference:
Part 1: 1_Week 1_Part 1.pdf
Part 2: 1_Week 1_Part 2.pdf
Multiple chronic condition video:
Maslow’s hierarchy video:
Interactive Exercise:
Template for download here.
Shier G, Ginsburg M, Howell J, Volland P, Golden R. Strong social support services, such as transportation and help for caregivers, can lead to lower health care use and costs. Health Affairs. 2013 Mar 1;32(3):544-51. Accessible at
Taylor LA, Tan AX, Coyle CE, Ndumele C, Rogan E, Canavan M, Curry LA, Bradley EH. Leveraging the social determinants of health: what works?. PloS one. 2016 Aug 17;11(8):e0160217. Accessible at
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Integrating Social Care into the Delivery of Health Care: Moving Upstream to Improve the Nation's Health (2019) Chapter: Introduction. (Chapter 1). Accessible at
Week 2
Lecture recording:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Slides for reference:
Part 1:
Part 2:
TedX Social Workers as Super Heroes
Potential of value-based care
Interactive Exercise:
Template for download here.
Ewald B, Golden R, Mason DJ. Promoting Health Equity by Paying for Social Care. JAMA Health Forum. 2021;2(12):e215023. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2021.5023. Accessible at
Rizzo VM, Rowe JM. Cost-effectiveness of social work services in aging: An updated systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice. 2016 Oct;26(6):653-67. Accessible at
de Saxe Zerden L, Cadet TJ, Galambos C, Jones B. Social Work's Commitment and Leadership to Address Social Determinants of Health and Integrate Social Care into Health Care. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration. 2020 Dec 1;43(3). Accessible at
Tele-Social Care: Implications and Strategies. Co-produced by the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs and the Center for Health and Social Care Integration. Accessible at
Optional: Funding Whole-Person Health: Opportunities To Make Essential Needs Initiatives More Sustainable. Produced by Health Leads. Accessible at
Module 2:
United States Food Assistance Programs
02/09/22 – 03/01/22
Week 2
Lecture recording:
Older American Act Nutrition Programs: Lecture will be provided during synchronous meetings
Slides for reference:
Accessible here.
Interactive Exercise:
Template for download here.
Colello, Kirsten J. Older Americans Act: Title III Nutrition Services Program. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2011. Accessible here.
Food Research & Action Center(FRAC). Helping Older Adults Struggling Against Hunger Access Food in the Age of COVID-19. Washington, DC: Food Research & Action Center, 2020. Accessible at
Lacko, A. M., & Henchy, G. Hunger, Poverty, and Health Disparities During COVID-19 and the Federal Nutrition Programs’ Role in an Equitable Recovery. Washington, DC: Food Research & Action Center. 2021. Accessible at
Week 3
Food and Nutrition Program Introduction Panel
Interactive Exercise:
Template for download here.
Albany County Department for Aging Home Delivered Meals. Meal Delivery Training Program. 2020. Accessible here.
Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels Driver Training Packet. 2020. Accessible at
Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources. Guidelines for Home Delivered Meal Drivers. Accessible at
Module 3:
Social Work Care Mgmt. Model
03/02/22 – 03/29/2022
Week 1
Lecture recording:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Slides for reference:
Accessible here.
Interactive Exercise:
Template for download here.
CHaSCI Toolkit. Accessible here.
CHaSCI Care Models: Implementation and Impact Findings. (Research and evaluation highlights.) Accessible here.
Rowe JM, Rizzo VM, Vail MR, Kang SY, Golden R. The role of social workers in addressing nonmedical needs in primary health care. Social work in health care. 2017 Jul 3;56(6):435-49. Accessible here.
Week 2
Lecture recording:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Slides for reference:
Accessible here.
Interactive Exercise:
Template for download here.
Rowe J, Rizzo VM, Guthrie D, Vail MR, Kang S, Golden R. The Electronic Health Record: Documenting the Unique Contributions of Social Workers. Health and Social Work 2019;44(2):123-128. Accessible here.
Week 3
Lecture recording:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Slides for reference:
Accessible here.
Interactive Exercise:
Template for download here.
Rowe JM, Rizzo VM, Kang SY, Kukowski R, Ewald B, Newman M, Golden R. Time contribution of social workers in care management: Value for older adults. Professional Case Management. 2019 Nov 1;24(6):306-16. Accessible here.
Dana Franceschini, Jessica Grabowski, Ester Sefilyan, Teresa T. Moro & Bonnie Ewald (2021): Covid-19: A critical time for cross-sector social work care management, Social Work in Health Care, DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2021.1904319. Accessible here.
Module 4:
Application of Training to Practice
03/30/22 – 05/04/22
Weeks 8-13
No recorded lectures during this part
This training was funded by a grant from The Mother Cabrini Health Foundation.